Class Registration Forms
NOTE: Webinars are generally held 2pm-3pm Eastern unless otherwise noted. Times for events are shown in the time of the event’s location.
This event has passed.
Webinar: Digitizing Techniques for HAPPY Embroidery Machines (non software-specific)
July 31, 2019 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EDT
Topic: Digitizing techniques for HAPPY Embroidery Machines, non-software specific.
Required: PC of Mac with earbuds (preferred over speakers) and microphone.
To join, click the following link: Join Skype Meeting
(Trouble joining? Try Skype Web App)
Note: This meeting is conducted with Skype. No account is required for the meeting. If you are trying Skype for the first time, please be patient as your PC set up the application.