Firmware Updates for Happy Multi-Head Touchscreen Machines

Included here are updates to the onboard program of your Happy machine, known as firmware. Firmware updates can contain functional improvements, features and bug fixes and will be posted here. Information posted here applies only to multi-head Happy machines with the 10-inch touchscreen control panel.
If your machine does not have the control panel shown on the right, the updates on this page do not apply to your machine.
Information about Firmware Updates, Plus How-To Instructions on Updating Firmware
Information About Firmware Updates including update instructions
Instructions for updating firmware in Maintenance Mode: Follow this procedure if your current machine firmware does not contain the “UPDATE” button in the Version screen, or if you are having any difficulty loading a firmware update through the normal way with the UPDATE button.
Firmware version 2.23 – Preliminary Release
New Features and Changes in Firmware 2.23: After some successful testing, we are releasing Firmware 2.23 for download and installation. The firmware is still being evaluated by us at Texmac, but for those who are interested in installing it and using the new features, the link is available below. Note that the previous firmware version 2.21 can be back-installed on your machine if at some point you choose not to continue with 2.23. Click on the PDF link to view the official release notes provided by HappyJapan.
Link to download firmware Update 2.23 for all Happy HCR2 and HCR3-series multiheads
Firmware Update 2.21 for HCR2 and HCR3-series Multiheads
Features/Changes in 2.21:Some of the features/changes included in this firmware release are:
- Embroidery Area Margin setting (main menu -> OPTION -> machine icon -> scroll to last page on list) with possible values of 1, 2, or 3. Generally, this feature prevents embroidery action if design position and/or design size is beyond the embroiderable area of the selected hoop. The values of 1, 2, or 3 control the degree of strictness with which this feature is applied, with 1 providing the lowest degree of stritctness.
- 2-step frame return
- Restored functionality of parameter “Expand Cap Limit” over previous test firmware versions above 2.16
Firmware version (2.16)
Firmware Update 2.16 for HCR2 and HCR3-series Multiheads
NOTE: Firmware 2.16 is the version previous to the current firmware. As long as your machine’s current firmware version is at least at 2.00, it is not necessary to load this firmware; you can load the most current version (i.e. 2.23) directly. The link to this firmware version 2.16 is only here for archive purposes.
Features/Changes in 2.16: Some of the features/changes included in this firmware release are:
- Job Interrupt function that saves sewing position, hoop, and stitch number, allowing the operator to pause a job, load a different job with different hoop and position, run it, then return to the previous sewing job with 1 button.
- Buttons that can advance the sewing position by +1o or -10 stitches.
Update 2.00 for HCR2 multi-heads with 10″ touchscreen
If your current firmware version is after 1.62 but before 2.00, you’ll need to install this firmware before installing newer firmware, such as 2.23. Contact support to install. NOTE: if using HAPPYLINK, you MUST use HAPPYLINK 4.03 or newer with this firmware version.
Update 1.62 for HCR2 multi-heads with 10″ touchscreen
Note: If your current firmware is before 1.62, it is necessary to install firmware 1.62 before updating to later versions. For example, if your current firmware is 1.20, you’ll need to install 1.62, then install 2.00. From 2.00, the newest firmware update can be installed. Contact support to install.
Update 1.36 for HCR2 multi-heads with 10″ touchscreen
Previous firmware for HCR2-series multi-head embroidery machines.